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[O] Oliver Shanti&Friends.-.2004-12-30.-.Buddha and Bonsai Volume 4.-.Sattva Music









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发表于 2020-2-22 18:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
碟片名称:Buddha and Bonsai Volume 4
6 A! P$ P; M8 r4 J. q3 W碟片编号:3222
. k$ |) u# s. u& f$ C歌手名称:Oliver Shanti; Friends
) H/ G5 Z" H& g发行公司:Sattva Music
8 X& s& ?/ M8 G7 A  }. r8 V% z发行时间:
% Z0 E  S% J5 r0 F& {0 `& V音质标准:16bit|44.1KHz0 i; Z5 b5 Q+ \+ y
声道数量:单声道9 J8 u! k/ m) T% ^0 f7 X. T
音乐类型:新世纪 欧美
6 z4 _; e; j3 D. H; a" \* d碟片简介:
0 P2 s- h7 w! C2 ^* _. `  I歌手写真:7 o& z2 G. _" h! |& L. T% I% z

: w/ b/ J& E& M% l3 ^; x) p! F碟片封面:
: ?$ S/ S7 F* S

' M0 j; V! i' }5 B* g2 h; c  ]碟片介绍:$ m! h9 B3 Q# T3 Q0 Y- T
佛教音乐在我国民间流传甚广,而音乐的感染力和传播范围都较之其他艺术更为深远。同时,佛教音乐特有的清新典雅、超凡脱俗、音韵豳远深长,使人意念净化、身心合一,所以历来佛乐都具有修身养性、祈福佑安的特殊功效,而不为人所忘却。正因为佛教音乐的这一特点吸引了 Oliver Shanti 对中国佛教音乐的浓厚兴趣。Oliver Shanti 厂牌旗下 Margot Reisinger 玛格特·李丝尔 等艺术家对中国佛教音乐的研究和对佛教音乐的理解可谓已经达到了一定深度。创作了备受东方人喜爱的具有中国佛教音乐特色的“Buddha And Bonsai 佛陀和盆景”系列专辑。此碟为这一系列产品中的第五张专辑。3 q3 O3 ~; g5 L) x: w7 u2 U
歌手介绍:2 d4 U. ]+ m. G0 k; k9 C6 j- r
Friends is a band from Brooklyn, New York formed in September 2010. The band, originally named Perpetual Crush, consists of Samantha Urbani, Lesley Hann, Nikki Shapiro, Matthew Molnar, Oliver Duncan.Friends is an American television sitcom created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, which originally aired on NBC from September 22, 1994 to May 6, 2004. It lasted ten seasons and is now in syndication. It revolves around a circle of friends living in Manhattan. The series was produced by Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television. The original executive producers were Kevin S. Bright, Marta Kauffman, and David Crane.: I9 G6 m7 J# o3 o8 r! _; X
Kauffman and Crane began developing Friends under the title Insomnia Cafe between November and December 1993. They presented the idea to Bright, and together they pitched a seven-page treatment of the show to NBC. After several script rewrites and changes, including a second title change to Friends Like Us, the series was finally named Friends' Q' \" k1 Z2 |% d
碟片曲目:3 b$ f- z+ \7 A; B- q- H
01. Oliver Shanti&Friends - Secret Of The Golden Blossom    04:56
5 p; c! \2 f0 A- w1 o& m& o02. Oliver Shanti&Friends - Luoshan`s Sacred Temple    07:17( m) s0 E' B# w* K  }& f5 I0 g
03. Oliver Shanti&Friends - Koan Of The Steer And His Sheppard    05:437 k$ F, o* L  i$ e! z! H9 U
04. Oliver Shanti&Friends - Cave  Of Bodhidharma`s Satori    08:424 N' E7 o* T. b8 l1 `: y
05. Oliver Shanti&Friends - First Dawn    04:22; b' x  T/ y6 C
06. Oliver Shanti&Friends - Follow The Spring Of Wu Tai Shan    07:41
- b% p& @$ y/ N) W& }07. Oliver Shanti&Friends - Quan Yin`s Cherry Blossom    04:56
- S+ e% Q+ u# p! C4 b1 }08. Oliver Shanti&Friends - Rain Of Purification    05:14
% Z: e- u' R& J$ w* \2 V09. Oliver Shanti&Friends - Avaloketeshvara, Mirror Of Four Directions    07:39: P: Y* _! q9 G2 F+ ]

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