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[S] 上海乐团.-.2001-04-06.-.中国交响诗专辑-洪湖赤卫队.-.黄河唱片









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碟片名称:中国交响诗专辑 洪湖赤卫队6 D- e# d3 k. C$ J5 X; n
碟片编号:1551' }- G  m; f1 w
4 ?( u" c# K+ p3 \' ]/ J发行公司:黄河唱片
! o6 O6 f+ p& Y+ r) x% H4 Q4 q发行时间:2001-04-06/ K0 W4 l: X' I* {* l# d) @
5 o$ p: {8 l: V) a声道数量:立体声) L2 G  O6 u- [- _, Y# b) o) D6 u
音乐类型:世界音乐 民乐 华语
7 b% R( K9 f0 d; P4 S+ ]碟片简介:专辑收有四首经典的中国交响诗!
! h9 E' l; D' [- y( W: x0 |歌手写真:& D" g& y. @, ^' V4 h5 F. e& Q
( U' N3 x2 \( e6 K- B: h1 R0 n
碟片封面:- c9 }1 |- _7 T% [: Y

9 m& R' _* j6 U% v: P5 L碟片介绍:
" F3 o* S9 j1 {  ]2001年由黄河唱片发行,收有四首中国交响诗,分别是施咏康的《黄鹤的故事》、辛沪光的《嘎达梅林》、瞿维和王久芳的《红娘子》以及瞿维的《洪湖赤卫队幻想曲》。除辛沪光的《嘎达梅林》CD比较常见外,其他三首均不常见(《黄鹤的故事》香港雨果出过)。
! s; M9 [5 }/ z9 |6 K' R7 q: ~) K歌手介绍:
  H" ^9 g9 h  \8 Z1 C4 F
  {3 p  S# f/ q; f, X9 T: S                                                        上海乐团建立于1952年,是中国著名的音乐表演团体之一。它的前身是华东音乐工作团。上海乐团第一任团长是著名作曲家贺绿汀,指挥家黄贻钧、司徒汉,作曲家陆在易先后在乐团任职。目前,乐团由著名指挥家曹鹏任艺术总监。
2 H% M# S- }" f9 m四十年来。上海乐团先后排演过各类音乐会三千余场,包括为作曲家和音乐家举行的专场音乐会,并曾同世界各国的歌唱家合作演出。除了举办音乐会之外,还经常为广播电台,电视台,电影厂、唱片厂以及音像公司录制相当数量的中外管弦乐作品向全世界出版发行。
( P# w& F4 \3 K4 U$ v/ wShanghai Philharmonic is one of the most famous organizations of musical performance in China. It was established in 1952, known as the East China Music Troupe. The first Director was He Luting, a famous composer and musical activist. Then conductors Huang Yijun and Situ Han succeeded him. The present art director is the well-known conductor Cao Peng.' o+ w0 k/ j! ?, |4 o' |% d
In the past 40 years. Shanghai Philharmonic has performed over 3,000 Concerts, including special concerts for individual composers and musicians, and collaborated with vocalists from all over the World.  Apart from giving concerts, Shanghai Philharmonic often makes recordings for radio stations, TV stations, film studios, record factories and audio & video companies.  Shanghai Philharmonic consists of a large chorus, which is able to sing various types of choral works, and a large orchestra, which was named Marco Polo Symphony Orchestra in 1993. As the assigned orchestra to make recordings for Hongkong HNH International Lid. in China, the Orchestra will yearly record a considerable number of Chinese orchestral Works for world-wide release.
$ W# K& ?  @6 X- k5 l3 F. f碟片曲目:
& M8 B  H( |' f9 k' U01. 上海乐团 - 黄鹤的故事-[The Legend of the Yellow Crane]    20:50
: D; C8 X5 ^6 u- G02. 上海乐团 - 嘎达梅林-[Gada Meilin]    20:29
% x4 ~0 \. F( {3 o6 h03. 上海乐团 - 红娘子-[Hong Niangzi]    13:54
# F: S4 V2 o; ]" c04. 上海乐团 - 洪湖赤卫队幻想曲-[Fantasia Of The Red Guards On The Hong Lake]    17:11. f  ~1 {: x3 D& B

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